About Us

Bijapur district fall in the drought prone region of Karnataka.  It has not experienced industrialization, there by there  is no much modernization. Lack of literacy causes a bulk chunk of unskilled human resources, unfortunately unused or underused. Fewer employment opportunities give a way to unemployment and under employment. There by the livelihoods of the weaker sections have been always at threat and the risk of hunger became a common phenomenon. The indicators of Human development index viz life expectancy, literacy rate, access to basic needs, health and etc., depict that the quality of life is far below when compared with the developed region of the state.
The situation of weaker sections is vulnerable due to on above factors. A Study reveals that the women, who is weakest among weaker section, faces the brutalities of male dominance and unfortunate poverty. Their problems are complex, Severe and Unique. Perhaps, the woman who is dalit, tribe, illiterate, poor, widow, deserted, disabled, commercial sex worker (devadasi) experience the risk of hunger and poor quality of life. Empowerment of all these sections is the major issue and problems exist in Bijapur both in rural and urban. These trends are resulting in to a high school drop out of the girls, child marriages, maternal death, atrocities on women, violation of human rights, Poor hygienic practices, prevalence of Superstitions, malnutrition, domestic violence, migration etc., Hence issue of women empowerment strands highly relevant. The problems of the woman of this region require immediate attention with a holistic perspective and a compressive approach.  

Looking into the genesis of the problem of women in contrast with their livelihood issues, VISHALA established in 1989 – 90 to uplift social economic & educational status of the marginalized sections of Bijapur particularly of Dalits, Lambani, Kurubas, Small & Marginal farmers, Artisans & Agricultural labours. Since land & education are perceived as key sources of livelihood, land related activities along with formal and nonformal literacy were thought to be focused.


“Building strong and sustainable communities through creating awareness among villagers about health, education, agriculture, gender equity, natural resource management, savings and credit and more so. Inspiring people and strengthening communities by building their capacity.”


“Helping the Rural Poor for Sustainable livelihood leading to empowerment”
